
Before you can start with installing the dependencies, you have to download FlaskBB. For now, the recommended method is to clone it and change into the latest release branch which is 2.0.0. All bugfix releases will also be pushed to this branch.

$ git clone

Now, change into the flaskbb directory and checkout the release branch:

$ cd flaskbb 
$ git checkout 2.0.0

Next, we create a virtualenv where we install all our dependencies which are needed in order for FlaskBB to work.

$ virtualenv .venv

after that, we can activate the environment

$ source .venv/bin/activate

and continue with installing the dependencies

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Now that you have set up the environment where FlaskBB will run we can continue with configuring and installing FlaskBB. To make configuring FlaskBB easier, we have included a little wizard which will ask you some questions and based on your answers it will generate a config file flaskbb.cfg in the root folder of FlaskBB. You are free to edit and modify the file afterwards.

$ flaskbb makeconfig

During the installation process you are asked about your username, your email address and the password for your administrator user.

$ flaskbb --config flaskbb.cfg install

Run the development server and visit localhost:5000 to see if everything worked.

$ flaskbb --config flaskbb.cfg run

Head over to the Deployment docs to see how FlaskBB can be deployed.